Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Bug

The guardian, the yapper, the digger, the sneakthief, the bug. She has really adjusted well to Ethan. She is always very interested in what's going on in his little world and is very gentle and caring when she is near him. The most memorable moment in the past few weeks was when she tossed her toy at his feet while he was in the car seat expecting a game of fetch. It won't be too long before he can play with you Bella!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Between Feedings

At home, this swing has proven to be the knockout punch Ethan has needed on several occasions. With 5 speeds and peaceful music with adjustable volume, how can he NOT be satisfied? I look forward to the day when they make these things for adults.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is it 9:27am or 9:27pm?

The 24 hour days have begun for mom and dad. Staying in the hospital had its rewards and drawbacks. The nurses were very helpful and sweet other than when we spent three hours to finally get him fed, changed and settled before they came and had to take his temperature or fix a monitor and wake him up again. We certainly enjoyed our one year wedding anniversary during our stay. We celebrated by getting Erin's I-V removed once and for all.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ethan says hi!

Here's one of the first pictures of Ethan on his first day hanging out with mom and dad on the outside of the belly. 11 days late, 20 hours of labor and a c-section were tough enough and the poor little rascal didn't even know that he was getting circumcised the next day. It's hard being a baby boy.

So that's what you look like!

Here's mom and baby reunited for the first time since the doctor sliced and diced her to get him out. Born on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 3:12am, weighing in at 8 lbs 7ozs and measuring 21 inches, he is the most precious thing mommy and daddy have ever seen. The only things mommy wanted besides a healthy baby was that he would have a head of hair and daddy's nose. Spot on!